

Standard Concierge Service (billed monthly):  

One weekly face-to-face visit with client in their home (1-2 hours) to visit, observe, guide, problem-solve and modify the environment to maximize client function

One weekly "check-in" phone call with client

One email to DPOA with synopsis of findings/ concerns/ recommendations. (Caregiver would be contacted immediately if there were any serious concerns--from urgent to emergency)

Response to up to 3 texts or emails/week from client or caregiver

Types of oversight:

Is client clean & groomed? Does it appear meds are being taken as prescribed? Is there food in the house? Does client report eating regularly? Is house clean & well-kept? Is kitchen clean? Any spoiled food in refrigerator? Is mobility, memory, and interpersonal interaction unchanged? Any signs of excessive alcohol use? Any bruises? Any falls?  Is laundry being done? Any unusual odors? Any safety concerns?  Is mail being picked up & opened regularly? Are there unanswered phone messages? Any repairs needed (steps/water leaks/loose flooring or tiles)? Review client calendar & provide reminders (MD visits, outings, visitors expected, home-care or home-health visit?)  

Overall, are there any signs of change in client's medical/physical, emotional, cognitive, or mobility status? Any noted changes will be discussed with client & with caregiver/DPOA via email, along with recommendations to begin to prepare for needed additional services which may be emerging

Standard Concierge Care Coordination fee is $500/month with first month's fee payable at signing of contract 



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